Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Bristol with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Bristol. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Bristol, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
命名"最好的地方,住在英國 2017年"周日時報雜誌,布里斯托爾是一個友好、 安全的具吸引力城市與長和豐富多彩的歷史。 它具有的五十萬人口南西部文化和商業資本。它的家到各種各樣的社區的演出者、 音樂家、 媒體、 金融和高科技公司。布里斯托爾有兩個優秀的大學,數以百計的酒吧和餐館現代和傳統,博物館,電影院和綠色空間。到 2015 年,布里斯托爾是歐洲綠色首都。 "購物狂"卡博特購物中心和聖尼古拉斯市場有你需要的一切總是是在布里斯托爾-音樂節、 歐洲的最大熱氣球節、 海港節、 美食節和更多的事情。 體育和戶外活動愛好者,布里斯托爾在海港的兩支足球隊、 橄欖球俱樂部、 健身房、 游泳池、 攀爬、 騎馬,山地自行車和一個水上運動中心。 布里斯托爾包圍感興趣的地方: 浴、 卡迪夫、 巨石陣、 牛津斯特拉特福德是所有密切和倫敦是乘火車只需 90 分鐘。 兩個 IH 中心提供光和通風教室、 藏書的書房、 wi-fi 和互聯網接入和甚至私家園林。 學校是雅思和英格蘭西部劍橋考試開放中心,它超出了預期獨立檢驗機構。 學校也是一個教師培訓中心導致持續改進。
Our young learner courses including tuition, activities, trips, on-site accommodation and meals. The course offers a holistic language experience which is immersive and fun. Students not only improve their English but also develop life skills such as confidence, responsibility, respect, and teamwork, establishing their route to a rewarding future. Students will live and learn in the safe and secure environment of Badminton School, one of England's most exclusive private schools. Students will be cared for throughout their stay with us by our dedicated team of houseparents, activity leaders and teachers. In the classroom, students benefit from70 years of educational expertise, which shapes the lessons that are delivered by qualified and experienced teachers. Our courses use a project-based approach to learning which guarantees that students will study something new on every course.
The host are located in Bristol and surrounding areas.
ILC Bristol prides itself on its relationship between students and staff. Bright and spacious classes, a varied social programme and large student room mean that you will soon feel part of the family. Our Bristol language school is set in a Georgian terrace, minutes away from the well-known and popular shopping centre, Cabot Circus, making it the perfect place to study English. Voted the European Green Capital 2015, Bristol is the UK’s greenest city. Not only that, but without a doubt, it is one of the most exciting cities in the UK. Multicultural, young and incredibly lively, the city is a very attractive destination. You can enjoy festivals all year round, fantastic cycle tracks, a variety of types of restaurants and awesome street food. In Bristol, you are guaranteed to have a fantastic cultural experience. What the British Council said about us: “The premises are spacious and provide a comfortable environment for both staff and students” “Teachers demonstrated a positive and caring attitude to their students” British Council Inspection 2016
我們提供優質英語學費在布里斯托爾的最佳位置。學生喜歡的學校,他們稱之為"大家庭"的氛圍。這正是我們所興到交付一個獨特和個人經驗有很多的溫暖和友好的教師和工作人員。這一切發生在全新的學校與現代設施。 家裡呆在 EC 布里斯托爾,麵筋免費補充 25 英鎊每週要求。 如果您有預訂的素食主義者或其他膳食的請求,不預訂一間雙人房為家庭不適合一個素食主義者和另一名學生,不是。
IH InTuition Languages is a market leader in language home tuition - where students live and study one-to-one in complete immersion at their teacher's home. Courses are personalised to each student's individual requests and academic requirements - from General English to Exam Preparation and Business and Professional courses, our programmes are entirely customised to each student's needs. Accelerated progress is guaranteed in a one-to-one environment and complete immersion, even outside formal classes. With a network of more than 600 teachers across the UK, Ireland, Malta, the USA, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, Germany and Italy, we are able to offer the broadest range of language learning experiences and adventures. Established in 1990, IH InTuition Languages is a proud member of the International House World Organisation, one of the world’s premier language teaching organisations. We are British Council accredited for the teaching of home tuition courses in the UK - the first organisation to be granted this accreditation.
We help students experience an authentic Britain away from the hustle of the well-trodden tourist trail. The school is located in the south-west of England, close to the city of Bristol and one hour from London by train, Sidcot School is a beautiful, safe and rural school with outstanding facilities: Sidcot School facilities include: - a swimming pool, - tennis courts - sports hall - playing fields - library - art centre with high spec music, drama and art facilities - boarding accommodation with single, double and triple bedrooms and cosy students' lounges - laundry facilities - modern dining hall serving a variety of delicious, multicultural home-made meals - coffee shop (Sidcot Hub) - WIFI throughout the campus Academic Summer will help you achieve your personal best through our exciting learning programmes. If you are aged 7-17 our experienced and inspiring teachers will give you an Academic Summer to remember. Learn about your favourite subjects, develop life-changing study skills and prepare for your future by giving yourself a competitive edge. We want you to feel confident about learning in a different environment and accept that not everyone learns in the same way whether you are a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner we have a teaching style that will suit you and bring your learning to life. If English is not your first language, there is no better way to improve than through our teaching methodology - CLIL - Content and Language Integrated Learning. We integrate content (academic subject matter) and language development following the IB’s liberal approach to learning. Discovery and exploration are more highly valued than simply learning content. You will develop your competence in communicative use of English as an international language whether you are native or non-native speakers of English. Our goal is that every student that comes to Academic Summer finds a love for education that will stay with them for life.
我真的很喜歡我在布里斯托爾的經驗。教師是驚人的類是實際和有益於我們的日常生活,如果我們想要生活或留學。住宿辦公室 isn´t 最好的一個,它可能是更多組織。總的來說,這是令人驚異,學生真的很開放,友好。謝謝你 IH 布里斯托爾 more
真正的一切都是令人敬畏 !學校的位置是附近最好的地方在布里斯托爾 (克利夫頓吊橋、 城市中心、 商店、 布里斯托爾碼頭和很棒的餐館) 和它還是要在安靜的街道,所以您可以完全專注于吸收新的語言技能非常由經驗和耐心的老師。當它來到住宿時,非常開心 !家庭,在那裡我呆了,被偉大在日常生活的各個方面。他們説明我的一切我需要給了最珍貴的禮物,家的感覺。謝謝你們,你們。 more