At Lacunza - Ih San Sebastian, we offer Spanish Courses and Teacher Training Courses. At Lacunza - Ih - San Sebastian we concentrate on rapidly and efficiently increasing your ability to communicate in Spanish. We are members of the worldwide organization International House which has been dedicated to improving language teaching since 1953. We pay careful attention to all the details that contribute to an enjoyable stay: pleasant and comfortable arrivals, carefully chosen families, varied classroom and extra-curricular activities, central flats and, above all, friendly staff who are always there to help you. That, with the enthusiasm and backing of students who already know us, is why Lacunza has succeeded in making studying in the North of Spain, specifically in San Sebastian, the right choice. Studying with us is the key to an unforgettable stay in San Sebastian, one of the most beautiful European cities! With its beaches, mountains, architecture, lively nightlife, cultural offerings, and close proximity to France and the Pyrenees, San Sebastian can enchant just about anyone.
El Aula Azul 坐落在市中心的聖塞巴斯蒂安右拉鼻甲海灘僅幾步之遙。我們處所結合優雅的象徵性的建築與現代及裝修好班級學生在輕鬆、 友好的 atmoshphere 學習西班牙文。我們的設施包括 5 類房間、 接待區、 圖書館和學生休息室用免費咖啡/茶可用。電腦和互聯網免費 wifi 上網是可用在學校,在那裡我們提供不同類型的所有級別中的最大的小團體課程 8/9 每班學生人數。我們的課程遵循交際翻譯法結合所有的技能︰ 口頭、 書面、 聽力和閱讀,我們始終保證,學生將在盡可能短的時間得到最好的結果。
-類是完美的。-教師都非常專業。定位是理想的。-設施完全是確定。-住房是好的但不是為我。到公寓來我不得不克服五十多個非常高的步驟。學校行政當局已經在 2 月收到了我的年齡 (71) 有關的資訊,和 J 假設他們有足夠的時間來找到更適合我的公寓。這是我要來我的公寓真的很難。一些話 J 的另一個問題了。J 是外語老師我自己和自己能學西班牙文。因此,我的語法和詞彙並不那麼糟糕,但 J 沒有任何實踐中說和聽。但進入了一群學生水準真的很高,甚至在語法和詞彙。所以在第一周 J... more