This course is for students who want to maximize their language learning practice during their stay. The courses focus heavily on speaking and communication skills. These lessons provide the opportunity to learn the local culture and customs. You will learn about grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and orthography and you will practice all the skills: listening, reading, writing and, above all, speaking, all in a communicative environment, what makes these courses the best ones for you to learn Spanish in an easy and effective way. The classes stress the use of language in everyday situations. Textbooks and a variety of other materials are used in instruction, including role-playing, newspapers, magazines and other materials. Topics include: fluency practice, media studies, film and theater, local culture, current events, politics, and research using the internet. Intermediate and advanced students also have the option of studying in the test-preparation and business classes. Our flexible choice of Spanish courses enables you to start at the level of your choice, choose the best timetable for you and finally you can join us any Monday all year round. We believe learning Spanish is an individual process, therefore we do our utmost to facilitate each of our students’ personal development and provide them with a comprehensive and unique learning experience! We also provide with Certificates at the end of your stay.
IH 科爾多瓦創立于 1953 年,是國際之家組織的第一所學校。國際的房子是語言服務和教師教育領域的世界領導者。它在 50 個國家有 150 名成員,並提供最先進的方法,以確保更直接、 交際和有效的語言教學。IH 學術界枯科爾多瓦坐落在城市中心,在美麗的天井用植物和花朵裝飾的安達盧西亞風格的 2 樓。從這條街或在院子裡的自然光線的 22 間教室。技術在教室中的使用它是非常重要的學校所以有互動式白板、 Ipad、 蘋果電視、 圖書館、 圖書館、 媒體室和為學生免費 WiFi 上網。我們所有的教師是本機西班牙文、 大學畢業生和訓練有素的專業人員已完成國際房子為西班牙文作為外語教學的具體課程。密集課程的學生的最大數目為 6,允許學生與教師之間的關係。每週向學生和會議提供的一對一的輔導類中增加了這種相互作用以外的學校教師和學生之間。所有的類是在早晨,舉行離開學校節目的社交活動在下午。學校也有一條 24 小時電話線路來解決任何可能有我們的學生的問題。
我的住家是完美的。我的房間很好地位於迷人的首頁和我的主機是非常親切。我真的很喜歡學術界枯的工作人員。我學到很多,他們非常耐心,有很多的個別關注。在學校的工作人員走出他們的方式,讓學生有家的感覺,顯示我們所有的科爾多瓦已提供。科爾多瓦本身就是只是精緻 — — 一個真正迷人的城市。不能一直快樂和總體而言,我趟科爾多瓦是美妙的體驗。 more