CLI courses are taught by certified language instructors. Courses balance theory with practice and place emphasis on oral communication. Instructors use a variety of instructional techniques and resources in class, including interactive games, role play, music, video, and film. Creative homework assignments require students to be out and about in Cabarete. Instructors teach a neutral Spanish while sharing things about local culture and language. CLI has four classrooms, a lending library, a kitchen, and a lounge and porch where students can chat with staff and each other, connect to Wi-Fi, or just relax and enjoy a coffee break.
我和我丈夫在卡巴雷特呆三個星期我們度蜜月,今年 5 月至 6 月。派特裡夏 · 是通信的夢幻般的老師,説明我們學習西班牙文和重點放在實際方面的基礎知識。 以撒管理學校非常好,確信喬希和我是學習,但玩得很開心。位置很容易從我們租來的公寓,走,我們最當然希望不久的將來回去。 more