Expanish is located in the neighborhood of l'Eixample, one of the nicest areas of the city for shopping, restaurants and cafes. The school is just 1 block from the Passeo de Gracia and La Pedrara, one of the emblematic sites in the city. The school is located in a modern office building on the 2nd floor. The facilities were remodeled in September 2017, making Expanish one of the most modern schools in the city. All of our teachers are native Spanish-speakers, have completed their university degree and have at least 2 years of teaching experience.
Expanish Barcelona 30+ is the first Spanish school in the world to offer programming exclusively to students who are 30 years and older. The school also offers and exclusive activity program with 4 free activities each week, 2 of which are just for 30+ students. The school was renovated in May 2022, making the facilities brand new.e school has 7 large and bright classrooms with a student common area at the center.
At AIL Barcelona, you’ll not only benefit from our teachers’ exceptional academic expertise but also from their genuine passion for sharing the Spanish language. Their warm, human approach and commitment to each student’s progress create an inspiring and motivating environment. Our young, international support team is always ready with a friendly smile, making sure that your experience in Barcelona is truly unforgettable. Choose AIL – ¡te esperamos! Can’t make it to Barcelona? Join our online Spanish classes, where you’ll connect with students worldwide and enjoy all the benefits of Spain’s top Spanish school from the comfort of your home. Face-to-face Classes in Barcelona Total immersion experience Engaging, interactive classes Limited school and class capacity Online Classes The same high-quality instruction, at home Flexible schedules Instituto Cervantes accredited No enrollment fee For any questions, email us at [email protected]
自開幕以來我們對海外學生的門在 2001 年,我們的目標始終是學生學習愉快、 有趣和有效的方式 — — 巴賽隆納使這一點成為一個理想的環境。我們也要有真正積極和履行,居住在巴賽隆納的個人經驗。我們學校的校風和大小允許我們向您親自出席,並説明您與您的要求。我們的團隊感到高興的是以説明您進行觀光、 簽證、 工作崗位或什麼來提高你逗留,雖然你是我們的資訊。我們的老師,為母語的人,大學的教育和培訓,以便教西班牙文作為外語的課程和研討會。您有類重點對話、 語法和詞彙,雖然我們特別注意到對話 ;我們希望你能快速地在你的日常生活中講西班牙文。我們生產我們自己所作的支援下我們西班牙 Studier 我們 Studier 主任和老師的材料。我們有我們自己編譯的最流行的西班牙圖書的最佳材料。學生在小班-7 平均工作但 10 最多。這樣,教師可以更多的時間獻給我們學生的學習需要。學校享有國際氣氛,歡迎 45 民族和我們學生之間可以輕鬆的文化交流。我們教六個級別 (A1、 A2、 B1、 B2、 C1、 C2),並按照歐盟指令,學習第二語言。在開始之前該課程,你把語法和口語測試,以評估您的西班牙文水準。這將您放在正確的級別,並在您的課程結束時您會收到一個語言證書。在 Kingsbrook,你具有 Internet 存取權限,以及免費的 Wi-Fi 連接的電腦的免費使用學校的所有領域。Kingsbrook 有一個具吸引力的設計,使學校成為一個完美的地方,學習西班牙文。我們其實有 7 間教室共 14 classroms 2001 年開設。我們教室的空調,歌迷和加熱與井氣候。我們有自修室,你在哪裡可以舒適地工作。在這裡,一旦一個星期,我們的教師給予免費複習功課,並説明您有任何疑問。我們兩個 Eroom 有免費的互聯網接入和 Dvd-rom 的語法練習、 詞彙、 聽力和 DELE 製備如果想要繼續學習後您的類。與沙發及表的咖啡區位置您可以與其他的學生,社交聽音樂,或者只是撿到 bcn 文化休閒雜誌。冷飲、 咖啡、 餅乾、 沙拉、 甜點小吃區......我們的圖書館免費借閱。它擁有西班牙和國際小說和電影、 體育、 探險、 語法書、 指南書籍、 紀錄片和音樂 DVD 的。兩個露臺位置放鬆和你的老師和同學們交談。語言交流委員會以滿足西班牙人民分享文化同時學習其他語言在我們學校和交流的語言。
Learn Spanish & live in your private teacher's home around Barcelona with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Spanish lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Spain. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Spanish lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Barcelona. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Spanish. All of our teachers in Spain have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Barcelona, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
巴賽隆納是地中海和第二大都市在西班牙海岸上最重要的城市之一。在該國的一個文化、 社會和政治的里程碑,城市突出它的味道,另一種選擇,其急性的審美意識和其歡迎的態度,結果在很大程度上世界性的人口。 恰當地說,Enforex 巴賽隆納是我們最大的西班牙文學校在西班牙與能力的 550 的學生,把它變成社交和新結交來自世界各地的理想樞紐。我們位於正中的城市,以及確保完美溝通與各種各樣的公共交通線路,無論是在都市網路 (附近管站包括烏赫爾、 大學和伊羅) 和汽車上。 "具有",我們在巴賽隆納的西班牙文學校所在的位置,該地區在 19 世紀被視為城市的原始佈局,渾沌刻在今天被稱為哥特區擴展。在網格的高度理性和有效的形狀建造,領域已經形成了文化核心的巴賽隆納,將我們放在城市,從布拉斯到所大學校園的瘋人院的參考要點的步行範圍內。 讓絕大部分人巴賽隆納踏上成功和富有成效的呆在學習西班牙文的第一步是要在哪裡安心,並以最有效的方式執行在一個舒適的、 最新的環境。為此,我們有充足設施一幢四層建築,與華麗的梯田、 日光浴平臺和多達 50 個班級,你將能夠享受一些樂趣巴賽隆納有提供 (漂亮的景色,美好的天氣),同時你開展工作。 此外,設施齊全的電腦實驗室和藏書的圖書館結合 Wi-Fi 無線上網服務,很好地空調房間完成的設置非常現代的語言學校,在那裡過 — — 學習外國的語言 — — 相同的目標取得更快和更有效地使用最新的技術。 此外,在巴賽隆納 Enforex 學校為尋求學習英語、 法語和德語的西班牙學生提供語言課程。因此,我們的樓幾乎成為巴別塔的地方,不過,共同提供了一個平臺的相互理解。在這個意義上,你可能想要免費註冊語言交流與西班牙母語和與他們一直練你學到了什麼與我們。 結合商務和休閒同時,巴賽隆納提供了一個獨特的機會,探討的旁邊你的西班牙文課程的西班牙文化的重要特點。例如,在城裡逛是幾乎作為參觀博物館在歐洲的大多數城市一樣有啟發性的。因此,您可能想入讀我們合併的課程之一,瞭解更多關於西班牙藝術、 文學或歷史與你的西班牙文課程。 或者,同樣,你可以鑽研錯綜複雜的西班牙的食譜,並學習正宗的桑格利亞汽酒的真正成分是什麼,什麼是西班牙涼菜湯的不同版本以及如何是你應該準備肉菜飯,我們結合的課程,西班牙文和西班牙烹飪。 無論你選擇做什麼,我們在巴賽隆納的西班牙文學校允許您將您的語言要求與你個人的喜好,以確保您使您的住宿最中最令人興奮的地方,在歐洲,無論你的形成與你的娛樂之一。還有只是沒有更好的地方來學習西班牙文,所以看看內心,探索不同的選項,我們要提供並允許自己被誘惑。 * 最低學生年齡 ︰ 14 歲 位置* 在巴賽隆納市中心,"eixample"的心地鐵站 ︰ 伊羅,烏赫爾 Plaça 到西班牙廣場,大學,加泰羅尼亞挨著一項 6 不同公交線路* 步行即可到達布拉斯、 大學、 文化的中心和更多 設施* 一個寬敞的 4 層樓的建築 (3,000 m2)* 50 教室與視聽設備老師的會議室* 約 1500m2 的華麗梯田* 日光浴平臺全年開放* 電腦實驗室與免費上網* Wifi (無線訪問整個學校)* 一個寬敞的塞得滿滿的現代的圖書館* 會議室容納 160 人* 輪椅可訪問電梯 / 電梯* 空調和暖氣
在巴賽隆納學習西班牙文在我們寬敞的校舍,以慷慨地遍佈 3 2600年平方米低層的現代建築。學校提供超過 55 明亮,通風教室表面總面積 2000年平方米。我們在巴賽隆納的語言學校還提供 600 平方米的公共區域,包括一個大型的室內的天井,望著到學校的膨脹私家花園的玻璃牆,完成,樹木和露臺。中央庭院,提供舒適的座位和 20 多個電腦終端機,使它很容易和免費上網從我們終端大站或連接起來自己到學校的免費無線上網的筆記本電腦。天井是最受歡迎的旅遊地點,可以放鬆之間在巴賽隆納的西班牙文言教訓同時享受喝一杯或從小吃整個學校自動售貨機。學校的建築細節都是頂尖,在教室裡包括大理石地板,整個共同領域和精美的木地板。總之,在巴賽隆納的唐吉訶德語言學校是不僅大,但明亮、 舒適,與一個豪華的觸摸。有 isn´t 這個大小和口徑全歐洲的另一所語言學校 !
Speakeasy, one of the nation's rapidly growing Spanish language schools, stands out with its modern and engaging approach. Situated in the heart of Barcelona, we provide innovative intensive, part-time, or private Spanish courses for groups, individuals, and businesses. Our highly effective curriculum, aligned with the CEFR, integrates the latest technology and tools to deliver exceptional Spanish classes.
勃/語言加只教一種語言在該國,它講了話。這使得國家、 城市和人民的學習概念的重要組成部分。您將學習以輕鬆的方式,而不必擔心犯錯誤 — — 事實上這是很像在"咖啡館 linguistico"的討論。因此該組織的名稱創建玩弄詞藻的"說"的意思的語言和溝通和"咖啡",我們的目標是在所有我們世界各地的學校創造的氛圍。你的優勢: 我們的課程拓寬你的視野,使你暴露于來自世界各地的學生。被選定的所有學校地點時,不僅為積極的教學目的,也為其吸引人的環境,是理想的休閒和文化活動。因此,對於每種語言,您可以選擇之間的現代大都市通電的氣氛或和平和魅力,較小的城市和省城。
Our camp in Barcelona has it all: not only is it located in one of Europe’s most important tourist and cultural cities, it also includes modern facilities and is surrounded by landscaped gardens, green spaces and a large natural park. It’s ideal location between the foothills of the Collserola mountains and the urban center of Barcelona creates the perfect spot for a summer camp. With a metro stop within a 10-minute walk, the city and beach are easily accessible. Not only is Enforex Barcelona a beautiful place to learn, but it’s also a wonderful place to meet new friends from around the world and learn valuable life skills. Our friendly staff have designed fun, engaging classes and activities to ensure campers have an experience they will never forget!
The camp is located just a few minutes from the heart of Barcelona, in Castelldefels, which offers more than 5 kilometers of fine-sand beaches. It lies right on the coast, between the Mediterranean Sea and the landscapes of Garraf Natural Park. Castelldefels is recognized as a Sports Tourism Destination by the Catalan Tourism Agency, making it an ideal place to live if you are a lover of outdoor activities. The student residence is located within the UPC university in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and very well connected: 10 minutes by car from the airport, 15 minutes by train or car from Barcelona and 10 minutes from the beach by foot. 24/7 Supervision Our highest priority is the safety and welfare of every Don Quijote adventurer. Our staff is attentive at all times and camp counselors supervise students' needs 24 hours a day.
The camp is located just a few minutes from the heart of Barcelona, in Castelldefels, which offers more than 5 kilometers of fine-sand beaches. It lies right on the coast, between the Mediterranean Sea and the landscapes of Garraf Natural Park. Castelldefels is recognized as a Sports Tourism Destination by the Catalan Tourism Agency, making it an ideal place to live if you are a lover of outdoor activities. The student residence is located within the UPC university in the metropolitan area of Barcelona and very well connected: 10 minutes by car from the airport, 15 minutes by train or car from Barcelona and 10 minutes from the beach by foot. 24/7 Supervision Our highest priority is the safety and welfare of every Don Quijote adventurer. Our staff is attentive at all times and camp counselors supervise students' needs 24 hours a day.
Our camp in Barcelona has it all: not only is it located in one of Europe’s most important tourist and cultural cities, it also includes modern facilities and is surrounded by landscaped gardens, green spaces and a large natural park. It’s ideal location between the foothills of the Collserola mountains and the urban center of Barcelona creates the perfect spot for a summer camp. With a metro stop within a 10-minute walk, the city and beach are easily accessible. Not only is Enforex Barcelona a beautiful place to learn, but it’s also a wonderful place to meet new friends from around the world and learn valuable life skills. Our friendly staff have designed fun, engaging classes and activities to ensure campers have an experience they will never forget!
This course is for students who want to maximize their language learning practice during their stay. The courses focus heavily on speaking and communication skills. These lessons provide the opportunity to learn the local culture and customs. You will learn about grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and orthography and you will practice all the skills: listening, reading, writing and, above all, speaking, all in a communicative environment, what makes these courses the best ones for you to learn Spanish in an easy and effective way. The classes stress the use of language in everyday situations. Textbooks and a variety of other materials are used in instruction, including role-playing, newspapers, magazines and other materials. Topics include: fluency practice, media studies, film and theater, local culture, current events, politics, and research using the internet. Intermediate and advanced students also have the option of studying in the test-preparation and business classes. Our flexible choice of Spanish courses enables you to start at the level of your choice, choose the best timetable for you and finally you can join us any Monday all year round. We believe learning Spanish is an individual process, therefore we do our utmost to facilitate each of our students’ personal development and provide them with a comprehensive and unique learning experience! We also provide with Certificates at the end of your stay.
The host are located in Barcelona and surrounding areas.
Welcome to Internationella Skolorna Barcelona! Our teaching facilities are situated in the heart of Barcelona's historic center, in the charming neighborhood of Barrio Gótico, just a short stroll away from Plaza Cataluña and about fifteen minutes from the beach. Established in 2005, our school is renowned for its inviting atmosphere and dedicated teachers who bring humor and enthusiasm to their diverse lessons. All language instruction is conducted exclusively in Spanish. Additionally, our administrative staff are fluent in Swedish, English, French, Spanish, and Catalan. Our teachers are native Spanish speakers. They are university-trained instructors in Spanish as a foreign language and have extensive experience teaching non-Spanish speakers. Each of our teachers also has experience teaching Spanish in other countries, with several having worked for short periods in Sweden. Continuous professional development is crucial at our school. Training sessions, an annual international teacher conference, and exchanges with colleagues from other schools are examples of how we gain inspiration and new knowledge. Each of our courses is taught by at least two teachers. This allows participants to experience different teaching styles and become familiar with various Spanish dialects. While instruction is conducted in Spanish, we provide presentations and information in Spanish, English or Swedish at the beginning of each course. The administrative staff at the school speak Swedish and Spanish. Our lessons We cover all language skills - speaking, writing, listening, and reading comprehension - with a particular emphasis on oral communication. Our teachers craft varied and dynamic lessons, fostering an environment that encourages active participation from the group. We work across subjects, blending theory and practice. This means that after a grammar overview, you engage in practical exercises. We also focus on listening comprehension and the ability to read and write various types of texts tailored to your level. Role-playing, games, discussions, and debates on current events, projects, and presentations about Spanish-speaking society and culture are some examples of our teaching methods and content. We incorporate audiovisual exercises like films and music to help you enhance your understanding of Spanish. Regardless of your proficiency level in Spanish, our goal is for you to improve
1476 元 discount for some courses from 12-52 weeks Show details »
BCNLIP is a school located in the center of Barcelona, in Gothic Quarter (5 minutes to several metro stations, beach, La Rambla, etc). All of our teachers are native, and all of them are professionals who meet the following academic requirements: - University degree in a humanities or language field, preferably Hispanic philology - Having completed an ELE course, or a language teaching course - Minimum of 2 years experience as a language teacher - Having mastered a foreign language - Publications related to teaching are valued Our method of teaching is based on communicative approach, but we also have special classes focused particularly on grammar, conversation, phonetics, writing, as well as activities each Friday and special events each month. Moreover, there is one essential aspect which is rarely spoken about, not only for a school but for everything in life, the love and care we put in to everything we do. And this is something you notice the first moment you walk through the door of BCNLIP: a mix of professionalism and personality that makes us very different. If you want to learn effectively in a warm and personal environment, BCNLIP is your language school.
我們學校只是不能更好的位置,只是關閉 Gran Via,右躺在巴賽隆納 — — 廣場加泰羅尼亞的中心是只是 10 分鐘的步行路程 !當你走出我們的學校時,你是在非常巴賽隆納的心臟地帶,附近的所有最佳商店和食肆,與你周圍所有感興趣的最重要的地方。在更好的位置有可能在巴賽隆納學習西班牙文 !我們也是在與現場的自炊式公寓巴賽隆納的唯一學校和居住在同一作為學校建設、 創建校園氛圍。我們合併高品質、 經驗豐富的教師、 絕佳的位置和周圍的環境,以及廣泛的課程,以創建一個獨特的語言學校。
Our greatest pride is our highly skilled, experienced and enthusiastic team of teachers. All teachers are Spanish native speakers with a University degree and many years of experience in teaching Spanish to foreign language learners. Spanish courses are from Monday to Friday, at various levels all year round. If you never had Spanish classes before, please mind the designated start dates for absolute beginners. If you have some previous knowledge of Spanish you can start a course on any Monday of the year. Before the start of the course, you will take a level test to determine your exact level of Spanish. Groups are formed by the level of Spanish. So you will be placed in a group with students who share the same level of language proficiency. The groups consist out of students of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities; we believe this produces a more interesting and educational environment.
BCNSunlight Language School is located in the heart of Barcelona, a few steps away from the University of Barcelona, shopping center area, best bars and restaurants, and all the public transports. We focuss on learning, so we offer small groups (7 students max.) and good quality-price service to guaranty a perfect study experience. The school's excellent location and its wide variety of courses make it an ideal location to study Spanish: students can choose from intensive to extensive courses, from 4 hours per week to 20 hours per week courses, DELE examination courses, or grammar and conversation workshops. BCNSunlight Language School has facilities that include a student lounge with a coffee area, free Internet access and books. The school offers a monthly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their Spanish skills and weekly cultural activities to discover the most popular points of interest in and around the city.
面向西班牙文是語言學校,專門從事西班牙文為外國人,與西班牙跨院校。他們的目標是教西班牙文言和文化,並提供出色的體驗,以合理的價格。古巴 Español 巴賽隆納是優秀的學校位於歐洲最時尚的城市之一。同時在巴賽隆納學生被鼓勵分享他們出來進入城市的活動中學習和交談在當地的方言,説明他們更好地掌握西班牙文語言的細微差別。
Hola :) I am Silvia, one of the co-founders of World Class Bcn. We are a growing Spanish school with a flexible program and friendly environment, located in the Raval neighborhood, in the heart of Barcelona. Our courses are focused on communication and we encourage our students to speak as much as possible, in order to fully immerse themselves in the language. Our teachers have studied Philology and Translation and all have a Masters qualification to teach Spanish as a foreign language. They are all talented linguists and are fluent in many other languages, however, their main passion is sharing their love of Spanish language and culture with each of their students. Our school has a cosy atmosphere which makes it the perfect environment to learn a new language and meet new friends, both through our classes, and the weekly activities that we organise.
Freeda Language Space has two schools in Barcelona, one in El Born (C/dels Flassaders, 7) and another in Gracia (Carrer de Alegre de D'Alt, 57). Both schools are accredited by the Instituto Cervantes and FEDELE, and we are also official examination centers for CCSE, DELE, and siele. All our teachers are native speakers with extensive experience in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) and hold high linguistic and teaching qualifications. We have our own method: the Freeda Space Method, which helps transform theoretical knowledge into practical, real-life skills. The Freeda Space Method includes up to 20 hours of tuition per week with native teachers, studying in small groups of up to 12 people and lots of practice in a relaxed atmosphere that invites you to speak form day one. In addition, you can continue learning and practicing in our activities: excursions and cultural celebrations. Thanks to all this, our students know how to introduce themselves, order a coffee in a bar, ask questions and talk about topics of interest.
Spanish language courses in our Language School in Barcelona are professional and based on the Common European Framework for Languages (see methodology). Our language courses are modern, lively, close to reality and are designed according to our participants´real needs. You participate actively in our language training sessions and we design our classes based on your interests, goals and learning speed. We want to teach the Spanish language taking into account the necessary grammar in our Spanish courses in Barcelona. Apart from that, we want our participants to achieve a perception of cultural differences between the foreign and their own culture. Our participants, by this means, will reach a higher comprehension of foreign cultures, will be better able to estimate cultural influences and therefore will be better able to deal with Spanish, Latin-American, or other foreign business partners, colleagues, clients, friends, etc. We want to prepare our participants with valuable background knowledge, numerous examples, encounters with Spaniards and Latin Americans, case studies, a Spanish and Latin American culture evening, Group workers and specific recommendations for intercultural encounters with the Spanish and Latin American culture.
Free gift for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Language Surfing is an innovative way of teaching based on ‘linguistic immersion’. It takes elements from Spanish Culture and Barcelona itself in order to accelerate the learning process. Classes are taught by native and professional trainers, and they take place mostly in urban areas of Barcelona such as art galleries, cafés, shops, museums, parks, and other places in which language is ‘alive’ and used every day. Our task is to ensure that the student, through theoretical and practical training, could explore the world of the Spanish language and the different realities of Barcelona. Using the city as our language lab, we practice the knowledge acquired in our theoretical classes and are constantly provided with new conversation topics and opportunities for expanding vocabulary. It is the end of boring and traditional lessons! Because we strongly believe that the best thing to do with language is to put it into practice! The most effective and dynamic way of learning a foreign language is to use it in real circumstances, with native speakers and not only stuck in the classroom! An important part of the Language Surfing work philosophy is the use of the Internet and new technologies, which provide a wide variety of opportunities to explore the language. Multimedia resources, apps, blogs, YouTube videos, social media memes, tutorials, etc. are a great chance to find out more about the Spanish language and its culture.
At Spanish Express, we help you become fluent in Spanish through immersive learning experiences. Whether you're a beginner or looking to perfect your skills, our Spanish Homestay Immersion Program (SHIP) offers a unique opportunity to live and study in your teacher's home in Spain. Our personalized courses, ranging from 1 to 4 weeks, are tailored to your level and goals, allowing you to learn Spanish while fully experiencing the culture. We also offer a variety of specialized programs, including DELE and SIELE exam preparation, and business Spanish courses. Join us and make your language learning journey unforgettable!
我的經驗是好的。我喜歡的類,認為它具有挑戰性,但是在某些情況下的水準或節奏似乎有點慢,當然在類的不同級別。我們的老師太棒了 !他是真的擅長解釋材料,營造良好的氛圍和製作類非常溫柔,安全和良好的學習環境。所以很多的克雷斯波致意 !設施很好,活動很好。我們去騎自行車,雖然看起來很散亂在那裡似乎奇怪,我們不得不從我們家到學校,去然後乘地鐵去了我們實際上要的地點。在我們的情況和我們生活的情況,它將保存我們的時間和金錢,只是知道會議點,然後能夠只是去從那裡。住房是... more
我在 Kingsbrook 得很愉快。老師很有耐心,取笑類。我在很短的時間內學到很多。位置很好,還有隔壁家的大面包店。這是一個很好的經驗和非常感謝它。 more