語言研究國際蘇黎世是坐落在受歡迎的因斯布魯克區,只需 5 分鐘從湖,靠近城鎮的中心,為探索這最多樣和最精緻的城市地理位置優越。學校坐落在老但好裝修的三層樓的建築和具有經驗豐富的、 合格,並受過大學教育教師。德語課程 (在強化課程提供的唯一的語言) 的結構,使每個學生的提高其德國,包括口語、 聽力、 閱讀、 寫作和技能實踐的各個領域。LSI Zürich 所提供的設施包括九寬敞,明亮,並適當地佈置教室、 免費上網的電腦室和學生休息室。也是可以用來買咖啡,在德國,得到自由水或一份日報和查找資訊提供的瑞士旅遊局辦事處關於實際事件、 地方所看到的和短途旅遊,使咖啡室。學校的廣泛的社交活動計劃旨在把學生介紹給大家,蘇黎世所提供,並可以包括滑雪,滑雪及滑冰在冬天或騎自行車、 游泳和帆船在夏天。此外提供博物館參觀和舊城步行遊覽。
ILS-Zürich is an internationally recognized language school in the center of Zürich-Oerlikon. Our school supports people from every age group and background with the acquisition of foreign languages. We offer courses in German, French, English Spanish and Italian on all levels. We welcome students from every part of the world, who, thanks to our experienced teachers, progress quickly in their endeavors to learn the German language. As a licensed test center for telc exams and as an EduQua certified language school, we guarantee utmost quality when it comes to language learning. Our core values include: • providing individual support for individual needs • a pleasant learning atmosphere • personal contact during lessons • the application of the learning in everyday life • the quality of the lessons, private or in small groups Would you like to learn the German language during a language stay and are look-ing for a versatile destination? Then you are exactly right in Switzerland! The small country offers not only an enormous cultural diversity and fascinating cities but also an imposing nature landscape in front of a uniquely beautiful mountain scenery. The overwhelming size of town and country life are close to each other - within a very short time you will travel from the city shopping mile to a small restaurant on the mountain peak. The multilingual country at the foot of the Alps is therefore not only about learning German, but also guarantees you an unforgettable travel experience. Make your language stay something special and collect unforgettable memories! You can expect unforgettable moments in a cosmopolitan and warm-hearted area - welcome to Zürich! Joining launched groups is always possible!
Full Immersion Inside and Outside the Classroom We have had the pleasure of teaching students from around the world. We believe the best way to learn a language is to be fully immersed in the culture both inside and outside the classroom. We achieve this by offering an extensive range of language courses and providing an exciting calendar of activities for students to explore their new city and practice their language skills. Our Mission To help create a world where communication, understanding, cooperation and respect exist between people of all countries and cultures. Our Method To provide language training utilizing the most effective teaching methodology and technology, and by integrating academic, cultural and social activities.