Iberika has three small schools throughout Berlin which are designed to accommodate small class-sizes. This creates an intimate learning atmosphere that allows teachers to personalize their teaching material based on individual student needs. Our school has many years of experience and employs experienced teachers that are both native-speakers and qualified to teach a foreign language. Our three locations were carefully chosen to reflect the high level of diversity of the German capital and the many different things it has to offer. Iberika Kreuzberg allows students to benefit from great shopping, night-life, and cultural institutions a stone-throw away from the school, interact with locals and relax in one of the many cafés and bars that populate the area. Our intention is to offer the chance to not only learn a beautiful language but also to have a fascinating cultural experience.
Iberika has three small schools throughout Berlin which are designed to accommodate small class-sizes. This creates an intimate learning atmosphere that allows teachers to personalize their teaching material based on individual student needs. Our school has many years of experience and employs experienced teachers that are both native-speakers and qualified to teach a foreign language. Our three locations were carefully chosen to reflect the high level of diversity of the German capital and the many different things it has to offer. Iberika Charlottenburg allows students to benefit from great shopping, night-life, and cultural institutions a stone-throw away from the school, interact with locals and relax in one of the many cafés and bars that populate the area. Our intention is to offer the chance to not only learn a beautiful language but also to have a fascinating cultural experience.
Iberika has three small schools throughout Berlin which are designed to accommodate small class-sizes. This creates an intimate learning atmosphere that allows teachers to personalize their teaching material based on individual student needs. Our school has many years of experience and employs teachers that are both native-speakers and qualified to teach a foreign language. Our three locations were carefully chosen to reflect the high level of diversity of the German capital and the many different things it has to offer. Iberika Mitte is situated in the very centre of the city, allowing students to benefit from great shopping, night-life, and cultural institutions a stone-throw away from the school, interact with locals and relax in one of the many cafés and bars that populate the area. Our intention is to offer the chance to not only learn a beautiful language but also to have a fascinating cultural experience.
在 Schöneberg 區,有扔一塊石頭從首都的主要景點我們語言學校向學生提供一個獨特的機會,參加德國補習班最美麗的地區之一的城市。此中央區,很容易可以乘坐公共交通工具到達的熱鬧街道,可以找到很多咖啡館、 酒吧和餐館。從地鐵站或纜車站,將是我們課程中心的寬敞和歡迎處所兩分鐘。其寬敞明亮的教室,配備了一流的教學設施,以及學校有一個會議室、 網吧以及寬敞的休息室,學生可以在休息時間見面而買三明治和飲料。
inlingua is centrally located in Berlin Schöneberg, very close to the busy shopping street “Ku’damm”, as well as the Tiergarten and Gedächtniskirche (Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church). We are on the seventh floor of a modern building and can be reached in a two minute walk from the underground station. Our rooftop terrace offers a stunning view of the city and is the perfect place for a quick snack during breaks. The numerous cafes and restaurants nearby invite you to linger in the area. Our school has 20 modern and well-equipped classrooms with Smartboards, Internet and Wi-Fi access.
Learn German & live in your private teacher's home around Berlin with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including German lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Germany. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one German lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Berlin. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in German. All of our teachers in Germany have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Berlin, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
在資本的柏林市,F + U 專門在專業和繼續進修,以及在商業培訓和資格。成功的對偶模型學士學位方案在國際學院產學研合作教育 (國際歌 Berufsakademie-IBA) 和最近的距離、 在應用科學大學全日制和雙碩士方案業務、 技術和文化 (德國者,Technik 與文化-HWTK) 提供年輕人建立,實際和國際化將也逐漸成為向國際學生開放的教育機會。 自 2013 年,F + U 學院語言柏林的補充了這廣泛的課程與學術要求語言和電腦課程的國際的口徑,並從而繼續首先開始于 1980 年在德國海德堡浪漫 Neckar 市傳統。父級的所有 F + U 語言學校,語言海德堡學院教 100 多個國家的大約 9,500 學習每年,是德國最大和最成功的語言學校之一。在特內里費島、 達姆施塔特和開姆尼茨的其他學校被擴大課程,還在不同地理位置。所有我們的語言學習者在柏林 — — 是否謀求提高孩子的德語,準備在高等教育或準備 Feststellungsprüfung 説明我們國際預科學校的國際學生或當地人民致力於改善他們的外語技能,例如在商務英語或託福準備 — — 可以從獲利這種創新的教學經驗和教育能力網路。
It was in 1984 when we started teaching German as a foreign language. Since then thousands of students from all over the world joined our classes and many of them returned a second and sometimes a third time. Both of our schools are in the very centre of the two most attractive German cities: Munich and Berlin. Thanks to our highly qualified teachers, the welcoming atmosphere and the modern teaching facilities we have earned a very good international reputation. In our classrooms, students from all over the world meet to learn German. Our teachers as well as the other members of our school office team are always available for advice. A student library and free internet access (even wireless) is at our students‘ disposal. Our fully equipped kitchen is a popular hang-out during the breaks and enables an intensive exchange between students and teachers beyond lesson time. Here, extra-curricular activities for the evenings and weekends are planned and these often form the beginning of lasting friendships. BWS Germanlingua is committed to offering quality German language courses to foreigners in a pleasant environment that respects the values of each participant, with the aim of strengthening communication between different linguistic communities in the world. We do not only focus on teaching the German language, but also the German culture and costumes. Our staff and teachers will do their utmost to integrate every student and will always be happy to help and give advice also beyond teaching hours to make Germany your home away from home! We believe that excellent teaching is the most essential asset to a successful school. Due to continuous further training, our qualified and experienced teachers are well acquainted with the latest developments in the area of German as a foreign language. You will note that our instructors can be seen as highly motivated, very competent and knowledgeable friends who are teaching the class. As a result, the members of our staff are not only available to discuss matters of German language but are also happy to help you with advice on other subjects of life. A lot of times they even organize our extra-curricular activities.
Welcome to EP Berlin! Located in beautiful Moabit, it is perfect for international students who want to learn a new language and explore Berlin's hidden gems. Join EP Berlin today to learn German or English in the cheerful and cosmopolitan city. Located in the capital of Germany, EP Berlin is equipped with the latest amenities and infrastructure to assist you on your learning journey. Whether you want to learn German or English, our spacious classrooms are designed to encourage participation and collaboration. They are more than spaces for learning. At EP Berlin, our classrooms are places of creativity, fun, nurturing, and supportive environments. We offer a wide range of courses to help you learn a new language and immerse yourself fully in the vibrant life of Berlin. Join EP Berlin and improve your language skills with our dedicated staff and excellent facilities.
課程幫助您在短時間內以目標為導向習得語言知識與能力。我們經驗豐富的教育諮詢專家和講師為您創造最佳的學習條件,以便您可以完全專注於您的學習目標,推動您的事業向前發展! 中區核心地帶的一個安靜、典型的柏林內院中。從這裡步行即可抵達柏林許多名勝古跡之地,如勃蘭登堡門,憲兵廣場或國會大廈。此外,您還可在附近生機盎然的弗裡德里希大街上漫步。離大街不遠的轉角之處就是漢斯•艾斯勒音樂學院和洪堡大學。 由於地處公共交通樞紐地段,從各個城區均可快捷舒適地抵達卡爾•杜伊斯堡公益中心柏林語言學院。學院擁有20間授課教室、一個多媒體學習中心(“Lernstudio”)和一個小型網吧。此外還有一間遊藝室,學員們都非常喜歡在這裡聚會。
Learning German at Alpadia Berlin-Wannsee offers you not only a fantastic summer learning experience, but also the opportunity to meet students from all over the world. With morning classes focussed on communication, the interactive and animated approach to learning German allows you to boost your confidence and significantly improve your language level. With a selection between a Standard, an Intensive or Standard + Private course, Alpadia caters to different needs.
做柏林位於柏林。它是一個偉大的鄰里友好學校,並且有 15 間教室學習。學校為學生提供互聯網設施、 多媒體自我 study 中心、 一個食堂和一個美麗的屋頂露臺。多伊奇柏林提供各種住宿,為他們的學生和學生的興趣探索這座城市的偉大的活動程式嗎?通過研究 DID 與德國德意志柏林,學生可以變成一個獨特的記憶,他們語言的假期和經驗迅速變成了一個活潑和國際大都會地區,購物,餐飲,和數量驚人的歷史的一個城市。
The host are located in Berlin and surrounding areas.
Learning German is nowhere more exciting than in Berlin! The German Capital has developed within only a few years again to a genuine metropolis. Berlin is certainly not beautiful, not elegant and glamorous – but it is cool and trendy, full of variety and so refreshingly different that you have to experience it yourself when you want to understand why it is attractive to so many people. If you decide for one of our Residence Courses in Berlin you will not only see a fascinating world metropolis, but you will also get the opportunity to meet people from the most different nations and cultural backgrounds. What could be more fun than discovering Berlin together with your new friends you have made while studying German! The residence finds itself not only in Berlin’s most central district, Berlin-Mitte, but also in the cultural heart of the capital.From there, all of the important sites can be easily reached on foot. From the Reichstag to the Chancellor’s Office to the Brandenburg Gate, each is a maximum fifteen-minute walk. Potsdamer Platz as well as the Holocaust and Berlin Wall Memo-rial are in immediate vicinity of the residence. And with Berlin’s central train station practically at the door (a short 5 minute walk), all the other attractions can be quickly reached. The residence building offers all amenities: double and four-bed rooms with en suite bathroom and toilet facilities, a sky lounge with a spectacular view of the city, a rooftop terrace, a big garden and the most modern of seminar rooms.
德國柏林語言學校GLS是全德國唯一一間擁有16,000平方米園區的語言學校,並可以提供學生在柏林學習德語期間的在校住宿選擇。GLS的庭園式校園坐落於十分時尚的柏林普倫茲勞貝格區,環境就如柏林市中心的一片綠洲。 GLS德語語言學校坐落於柏林的歷史中心,位於非常時尚的「普倫茨勞貝格」區。1900年左右該地區曾經是窮人的居住地。二戰後普倫茨勞貝格區成為共產主義柏林地區的一部分 - 許多知識分子和藝術家居住在此。柏林牆倒塌後,該區迅速蓬勃發展起來,成為柏林的潮流時尚區域。一些主要的柏林亮點就在GLS附近的步行距離之內。 栗子巷 82號 ( Kastanienallee 82) ... 是 GLS 的地址 (地圖). 因為這條街總有許多電影拍攝或時裝攝影在這裡進行﹐所以人們戲稱它為 卡斯巷. 40 多家的咖啡屋, 酒吧 以及設計師名店就在最靠近 GLS 的地帶。
孩子們的語言學校柏林成立于 2001 年,是在柏林的早期語言習得領域的市場領導者。它是主要在我們學校學至 12 3 歲的孩子。我們目前在超過 140 機構代表。我們移動的戲劇講師來到幼稚園和小學在那兒玩與他們熟悉的環境,使用他們各自的母語的兒童。我們提供兒童課程在英語、 西班牙文、 法語和德語。越來越多的小學利用到我們的報價,作為他們的學校課程的補充。我們也很樂意將你的孩子準備出席在講英語-和木衛二-小學或滿足你可能有其他任何個人的請求。在我們位於中心位置的處所,在 Bundesplatz 中我們能夠為你提供廣泛的課程選擇平日,在下午或星期六早上。房間有特別安排,以滿足兒童的需要。它是可能在任何時間進入課程在進展中。進一步地點設在柏林。除了我們的選擇的課程,我們還提供 4 至 12 歲兒童為 Daycamps。對於較小,這是純粹的樂趣和令人難忘的經驗,以及良好的投資在他們的未來。從其出生的時候每個孩子獲得了自然的能力,學會一種語言。他們能夠模仿的聲音他們聽,然後才能夠最後完全掌握的語言理解詞彙和以後形成的句子。這些技能也為第二或第三語言,然後穿透,像母語通過大腦進入更深層次層比其他語言學會在晚年的另一條拍了拍。還有一個好的早期語言學習在過去的三十年已經證明了其價值在加拿大的可能性。在這所謂的浸泡方法兒童被拋入洗澡語言在哪裡他們首先撲騰,然後開始游泳與快樂。語言是通過在它的生活在這種語言中, 移動而學會的。科學證明大腦的不同區域被啟動時小兒童和成人的學習。當兒童學習語言時,當他們學習自己的母語作為參與大腦的相同部分。然而,根據總的物理反應的原理是對他們來說學會一種進一步結合的所有感官感知語言要容易得多。在孩子們的語言學校,我們避免了人工通信和常規的語言課程。 語言是沒有任何經典課本教的。孩子們玩在任何他們正在學習一種語言。我們的孩子調皮地進入了一個新的語言世界和毫不費力地和沒有過重學習一門外語與他們所有的感官都看似很不由自主地。
The KINDERSPRACHCLUB, established in Berlin in 1996, is dedicated to making language learning an enjoyable and engaging experience for children. Our mission is encapsulated in our slogan: "Active Language Class." We provide a dynamic environment where children can learn or enhance their skills in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian or Turkish through a variety of fun and interactive activities. Our teaching quality is exceptional, as all our instructors are native speakers who bring a genuine passion for their language to the classroom. This not only fosters a love for the language but also helps students build confidence in their ability to communicate effectively. Our curriculum is designed to be both comprehensive and engaging, covering essential topics such as food and drinks, home and family, body parts, feelings and senses, people and animals, time of day, seasons, weather, the alphabet, numbers, counting, travel, and transportation. At KINDERSPRACHCLUB, we believe in the power of active and communicative instruction. Our classes are filled with professionally developed games, role-plays, and creative work papers that encourage children to express themselves in the target language. We incorporate a variety of activities, including singing, arts and crafts, and movement-based games. Depending on the weather, we also organize outdoor activities like scavenger hunts, ensuring that learning remains fun and engaging. Located in the heart of Berlin, our facilities are designed to create a welcoming and stimulating environment for children. We provide ample space for both indoor and outdoor activities, allowing for a versatile learning experience that adapts to the needs of our students. In summary, the KINDERSPRACHCLUB offers a high-quality language education that is both enjoyable and effective, supported by experienced native-speaking teachers and a vibrant learning environment. We are committed to helping children thrive in their language journey while having fun along the way.
Your German classes take place in the teacher´s house. You do not need to go daily to school, as you live and learn in one place with your private teacher.
International Summer Language Camp for juniors (14-17 y.o.) in Berlin Learn German with Fun in Berlin! For teenagers (14-17 y.o.), who adore big cities and want to connect learning German in summer and see the famous metropolis, we offer summer language camp in Berlin! Here you can both meet new friends and spend your holidays in one of the most visited city! The program includes: German course with 20 lessons per week accommodation in the residence in the multi-bedded rooms with the full board daily afternoon activities(admission and fare incl.) full-day excursions (admissions and fare incl.) Supervision, local transportation card Placement test on the first school day School Certificate at the end of the course The transfer from/to the airports in Berlin can be booked additionally.
IIK Deutschland is a further education institute with a focus on language. German as a foreign language, job-related German courses, e.g. for doctors and nurses, integration and professional language courses (in accordance with Section 45a of the Residence Act) and further education courses are at the heart of our work. Language connects and we also put this into practice in further training courses for German teachers and trainers in adult education. We also cooperate closely with companies and organizations in Germany and abroad.
Participating in this program, our students get the unique opportunity to get all the advantages from the language stay in Germany. As they live and learn German in the youth residence, where they can get acquainted with other young people, feel the student atmosphere in the residence and experience the spirit of Berlin, the city full of contrasts. The students get the German Classes (20 lessons per week) in the morning and in the afternoon 2 times per week they get the short excursions. The German Course takes place in the residence, where the students stay. For the Summer College students we offer 2-bedded rooms, breakfast included. WC/Shower is situated in the corridor and will be shared with other students. Here you can get many other services as WI-FI, laundry, drying etc. Also for catering, you do not need going far, as you can have meals also in the College Residence. The Summer College students won´t be bored coming to the trendy metropole Berlin. With our guide, you will discover the important historical places in Berlin. Apart from the local sightseeing, we also organize the trips to Potsdam and other worldwide famous attractions outside of Berlin. We hope you'll be able to join us this summer and become a part of our summer college community.
Winter Camp with German Classes for juniors (14-17 y.o.) in Berlin-Wannsee! For those who love winter, ice skating and other winter sports, we offer a winter camp with the German lessons in the trendy Berlin. The fresh winter air and the visit to the exciting excursions and taking part in the different sports activities make your stay unforgettable. Here the teenagers can connect German Learning with Fun! Our staff prepared an interesting program for you. Persuade yourself! The youth residence, where students are housed, is beautifully situated right on the shore of Lake Wannsee in the south of Berlin. From here, you need only 15 minutes to the exciting city of Berlin. From the windows of the residence, you can enjoy a magnificent view of Lake Wannsee. The juniors will be accommodated in 3-4 bedded rooms with the full board (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). The program takes place from 03.01.16 till 16.01.2016. The German courses are scheduled for the students with the min. level of A1.
Learn German in Berlin With the opening of Humboldt's latest year-round school, students now have the opportunity to study German in the very center of Berlin. Our first year-round course center in the North of Germany offers a multitude of cultural experiences and encounters in the most international and history-laden city in Germany. Berlin is Germany's cultural, political and economic hub. Part-time courses In addition to our courses with accommodation, Berlin offers part-time German courses in the evenings as well as on Saturdays. Two cities – one course With the combination of courses in Berlin and Constance, our learners have the incomparable opportunity to experience two uniquely distinct university towns which demonstrate the diversity of Germany in landscape and in culture. Berlin – Germany’s capital and by far largest city – impresses with more than 3.5 million inhabitants and an incredible variety of sights and cultural offers. Constance, however, seems to be unhurried and laid-back with only 85,000 inhabitants, while it is rated as one of Germany’s towns with the highest quality of life due to its gorgeous location right next to Lake Constance and its proximity to Switzerland and the Alps. Intercity bus transfer between the cities (Constance–Berlin or Berlin–Constance) is included in the course fee. Language Levels In Berlin, we offer German courses for language levels A1 to C2 according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages. Class Size Our classes consist of approx. 10 students. Such a small size ensures that individual attention is given to every single course participant. As we focus very much on the communicative approach of the language, while not neglecting grammar, we give heed to make every student talk and participate. Tests All course participants take a weekly exam which covers all the course content taught the preceding week so that students and teachers alike can assess the progress made in the German language. Homework Our students are also expected to do some homework every day, yet they will still have plenty of time for extracurricular activities.
Berlin International is part of a growing international network of university campuses, offering a cutting edge international study experience and an ideal preparation for careers in an increasingly globalized work environment. Located in the heart of Berlin, we offer a challenging, innovative, and practice-oriented education which is open to all on equal terms. Not least because of our qualified academic and administrative staff, we do offer individual care and attention to all of our students. A central part of all study programs is the training of general skills such as presentation skills and self-organization as well as business plan development and the creation of design concepts.
在這次旅行中, 我有機會留在一個美好的家庭, 兩個偉大的父母對我很親切: 他們總是在這裡做晚飯, 即使我遲到了, 他們願意跟我說, 當我問我..。此外, 遵循德國的課程是一個偉大的經驗, 教訓是令人難以置信的, 老師總是在這裡説明我們, 從事和教育家。我也交了一些朋友, 我還在聯繫。一次經歷!謝謝! more
我發現這些課程非常激烈, 我很喜歡他們。教師無一例外地是優秀的, 在語言學習中具有很強的個人伴奏精神。教室舒適, 有必要的資源和足夠的教學。活動多種多樣, 使學習情況更加愉快。我對我在 Alpadia 的逗留非常滿意。我沒有任何異議或觀察, 我只能感謝你在這兩個星期裡我度過的美好時光。 more