WESLI, established in 1981, has a history of excellence in teaching. We offer 7 levels of intensive English courses for students who wish to attend undergraduate or graduate school in the United States, improve their English for professional/business use, or study for self-improvement. There are classes for every ability, from beginning to advanced. The student body is diverse and the teacher-student ratio is excellent, on average 12 students per class. The WESLI Recommendation is accepted at over 40 universities and colleges instead of a TOEFL score. WESLI is located in downtown Madison, ranked #1 for U.S. city livability in September 2014. As the capital of the state of Wisconsin, Madison is known for safety, friendliness, beauty, and educational, recreational and cultural opportunities. Madison is an inexpensive city in which to live and study. With WESLI's high-quality classes, family-like environment, fun activities, great location, and moderate cost, students are certain to have a great experience!
我是一個中國學生,我大學的專業是法律。我想要在將來成為一位優秀的學者和研究者在這一領域。一年前,我聽到很多關於 WESLI 的資訊從我的朋友潘娜洛普,和她那時候在 WESLI 學習。她告訴我,WESLI 是非常有説明,提供一個好的機會去研究與許多經驗豐富的教師,和她強烈建議我 WESLI 就讀。那時候我準備我的碩士學位,擔心我的英語能力,所以我決定來到 WESLI。我在 WESLI 學習了一年。我仍然記得第一次到... more
我在 Wesli 學校的經歷了不幸的是只是兩個星期,但是是我生命中最好的體驗之一。學校正是我的預期。老師們專業,但很友好,有趣。為高級語法,通信,準備我的教訓說在公共等。而且 (像個小時的談話或寫作) 額外的活動和倡議 (披薩午餐,閱兵) 是很好地滿足人們和提高我的英語。學校在全世界 (沙烏地阿拉伯、 中國、 臺灣、 日本、 泰國、 哥倫比亞、 委內瑞拉、 巴西、 布吉納法索等)... more