6242 元 discount for all courses and accommodations from 12-52 weeks Show details »
ELS Cincinnati位於俄亥俄州辛辛那提市(Cincinnati)辛辛那提大學(University of Cincinnati)校園內。辛辛那提市坐落在美國中西部,是一座充滿活力的多元文化城市。校園出入方便,步行即可到達住宅、餐廳、購物區和公共交通站點。可參加體育活動,參觀博物館或漫步辛辛那提的公園。
Our Mission: Helping English as a Second Language students advance their English proficiency in a small, friendly learning environment. Conversa Language Center, located in Downtown Cincinnati since 1989, offers Intensive English language classes to non-native English speakers. Our small class sizes and friendly teachers make Conversa ideal for our students to quickly improve their English language ability. Our classes are small, averaging 5 students so each student gets personal attention from our teachers. Conversa Language Center is located in the center of Cincinnati, a city of 2 million people. There are restaurants, buses, theaters, shopping and much more within walking distance of Conversa. Conversa Language Center is also a great place to improve your English before enrolling in a university in the U.S.A. With our low prices and small class size, you get a great value for your money.
我在那裡呆三個月,老師們都非常棒,很友好。但如果你覺得這會很容易,因為這樣,你就錯了,他們非常認真地對待自己的工作,這就是為什麼它是一所好學校。如果你想要的説明只是問任何人,即使你可以要求任何學生的説明,他們也會説明你。我恨和愛的散文,因為你需要寫了結果,我學會了比我想像的更多。對我來說,他們需要更多的娛樂活動。我更喜歡的事是吃午飯的時間有三個原因:1) 它就像另一個非正式類的食物。2) 你瞭解其他文化。3) 你可以練習你的英語不是在你的班級的其他學生。我會再回來,喝法律與吉姆 Karwish... more