MoTai Mandarin is a Chinese learning institute in Sydney, Australia. The institute provides quality Mandarin Chinese courses to adults and children of all levels to help them in their academic, professional or business lives. MoTai Mandarin provides lessons to suit students needs and backgrounds. They have lesson-plans suitable for travellers, students, businesspeople, and Australian-born Chinese who want to rediscover their language. MoTai provides training to some of Australia’s leading companies as well as other international businesses located in Sydney. They deliver well-structured and customised courses and provides Chinese cultural awareness, business etiquette training to people in all levels of organisations from the employees to executives and managing directors. Teachers at MoTai are all native Chinese speakers who are certified, experienced, and passionate about their language.
通用中文(普通話)課程是為成年人誰想要提高他們的發言,在中文(普通話)聽,說,讀,寫能力。 大多課程需要簽證,學員年齡為16或16歲以上。2至48星期的課程。大多密集型課程每星期平均上30節課。