語言研究國際 (LSI) 基於曼哈頓校園的大學生的紐約大都會 (MCNY) 在蘇豪區,城市的核心。極盡奢華的商店和畫廊的蘇豪區,村西的安靜街道和運河街的喧囂都在步行距離的 LSI 和吸引來自世界各地的人們。教室的寬敞和舒適,多提供曼哈頓的美景和周圍的環境。設施包括一個圖書館、 一個休息室和兩個電腦實驗室與超過 40 台電腦提供免費上網。LSI 紐約舉辦社交活動期間的一周,其中許多都是免費或成本低,並包括前往劇院、 電影院、 音樂劇、 音樂會、 博物館、 藝術畫廊、 體育賽事和野餐。LSI 還與一個專門從事包括目的地,如波士頓、 華盛頓、 多倫多/尼亞加拉大瀑布和費城週末游的旅遊公司工作。一般英語組課程仔細的結構,説明學生建立有效的溝通技巧。課程被專為那些想要學習新的語言或進一步發展他們的技能為個人、 教育、 或專業的原因。
Why Manhattan Language? REAL ENGLISH We focus on practical communication to improve your skills, confidence and fluency. Your teachers use dynamic, fun methods to motivate you to learn. STRONG CURRICULUM Classes are fun, but serious, too! We have a minimum of 10 levels so you will always be at the correct level. Each level has a syllabus that your teacher follows. Lessons are well-organized and every 6 weeks there is a test to check your progress. Our American English programs will improve your speaking, listening, grammar, reading and writing. PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Our teachers will help you reach your goals with interesting, enjoyable classes. The atmosphere is friendly to guide and support you. The teachers use correction and feedback to help you improve. MODERN FACILITY Manhattan Language is located on the 11th floor of a historic landmark building. Our classrooms are clean, sunny, airy and spacious, with sweeping views of the Statue of Liberty from the windows. The computer room offers free Internet and Wi-Fi. PERFECT LOCATION Manhattan Language is located in an upscale neighborhood in the heart of Downtown Manhattan. Easily accessible by many subway lines, Manhattan Language can be found in the center of Wall Street, close to many museums, parks, shops, and restaurants. The school is walking distance from some of New York's most famous landmarks, like the Brooklyn Bridge, NY Stock Exchange, and the Freedom Tower.
The host are located in New York City and surrounding areas.
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Manage my school profile »We are located minutes away from exciting New York City, the world’s business capital. The internationality of restaurants, theatres, Broadway shows, museums, concerts, and events offers students endless possibilities.